Sunday, May 2, 2010

What if i had a true 1000 fans

What if i had a True 1000 fans ? After reading the article i was actually left a little depressed. How can i even achieve one hundred true fans. His definition of a true fan was very very off puting. I would need one tousand devout followers, if i was to start my own religion they would be my clergymen, if i had a child they would come to my baby shower, if i was being consumed by a stampede of locusts they would karate chop them out of the air and ressurect me with CPR. Do i really want a thousand fans. There is something creepy and flautering about knowing there are that many individuals who love you. As an artist you are always thrown into the world of finicial stability. Havoing a thousand true fans is like having a thousand deicated salesmen, if you could line graph or upcoming sucess it will grow expotentially. I think i could only count my true fans on my two hands i am still young and i am still working to see what i can do. It also depends on your outlook of life if you see the world as away to only achieve money and fame having devouted followers is your kinda of thing, being respected is one thing but being obsessed is just another thing fans loose their individuality it is crazy i saw this photo collection of people that collect things (funny that it was a colection for people and their things they correct. (p.s thank god this thing has a spelling check ability) these peoples collections became so vast that they just sorta kinda become the kid with a shit load of pichaua dolls i hate for someone to become the oh hey nice adam dirks hairstyle you adam dirks wantabe.

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